formerly citizens' greener Evanston

Clare Kelly

Candidate to 
City Council Member
City Council Member
Candidate did not participate in Youth Committee Interviews
Endorsed by The Sierra club

Climate Action Relevant Experience

(as reported on the candidate's website)

Led the successful fight to close the Evanston Hospital Medical Waste Incinerator in 2004 which led to state and federal legislation restricting medical waste incineration.

Q + A

From the Evanston RoundTable

Evanston now has 25 years to achieve its carbon neutrality and zero waste goals as outlined in the Climate Action and Resilience Plan (CARP), and Sustainability and Resilience Manager Cara Pratt has said the city has already accomplished the “low-hanging fruit” in pursuing these targets.

What climate goals and policies would you prioritize in the coming term? How should the city pursue reduction of building emissions?

Do you support phasing out natural gas use in new construction, and requiring existing buildings work toward carbon neutrality over the next 25 years?

I would prioritize the creation of a task force comprised of key Evanston stakeholders— including Northwestern University,  school districts, building industry experts, city staff, environmental experts and organizations, and residents from diverse economic backgrounds.

This group would be charged with developing practical implementation strategies and policies to achieve our climate goals while minimizing negative impacts on residents, community partners, and anchor institutions. By fostering collaboration and leveraging local expertise, we can ensure that Evanston’s climate policies are both ambitious and equitable.”

Would I support phasing out natural gas use in new construction, and requiring existing buildings work toward carbon neutrality over the next 25 years? Yes.

From the Evanston Transit Alliance

Question 1

Nearly 2/3rds of all households in Evanston own one or no cars, and a majority of residents do not commute via car. Each year, more Evanstonians of all ages are walking, rolling, and using bus or train service for convenience, physical fitness, cost-savings, and environmental benefits.

How do you incorporate walking, biking and public transit into your everyday life?

I’ve chosen to live near local businesses and public transportation, and parks so that I can avoid the use of cars for daily needs.

Question 2

Academic research and case studies from cities like Paris, Amsterdam, and New York show that reducing car traffic and building protected bike lanes are necessary to meet climate and mobility goals. Plans such as the Chicago Ave Multimodal Project provide an example of how this can be implemented in Evanston.

Where would you want infrastructure improvements, such as traffic calming, pedestrianization/ street closures, and protected bike lanes, to encourage more walking and cycling?

I would like to see the streets narrowed and sidewalks widened throughout downtown. I would like to see select streets closed off for pedestrians on a permanent basis or some on a regular basis such as weekends in or near Fountain Square.

Question 3

Public transit has seen a major change in ridership trends, with 9-to-5 commuter services falling short of pre-COVID milestones while off-peak and weekend demand climbs despite infrequent and often unreliable schedules. CTA, PACE, and Metra are facing a ‘fiscal cliff’, as federal dollars to keep transit service operating run out by 2026.

While not in the position to solve this problem on its own, what can the City of Evanston do to support existing bus and train service, and how would you want to see public transportation expanded in our city in the future?

Most important in my ward, there are several low income facilities for the elderly in the first ward. I have been working with staff both at the city and CTA in an effort to expedite access for the mobility challenged i.e. installation of elevators at the L.

Question 4

With parallels to Envision Evanston 2045, Minneapolis has modified its zoning code in the past decade to eliminate minimum parking requirements, encourage transit-oriented development, and allow the construction of more “missing middle” housing city-wide. Together, these reforms lead to a stabilization of rent prices, a drop in homelessness, reduced displacement, and increased racial diversity. Environmental benefits were also realized, as more dense and mixed-use developments encourage lower rates of car ownership and generate less embodied carbon from construction.

What changes to Evanston’s zoning code, such as the ones listed above, would you support in response to the housing and climate crises?

As a city we must invest in ‘social housing’ to ensure affordability, through land trusts and limited equity co-ops. We must invest in naturally occurring affordable housing that can provide children and families with easy access to green space, birds, and bees.  Additionally I am the leading sponsor for a property tax circuit breaker program as a strategy against displacement