Herbicide drift (trespass) has been an economic andecological concern for decades. However in recent years, there have beendramatic increases in the use of many popular herbicides in an effort to combatherbicide-resistant weeds. Widespread injuries to wild and cultivatedplants have been reported since these increases in herbicide use began. PrairieRivers Network's Tree and Plant Health Monitoring Program has studied theimpacts of drift for 7 years. This presentation will discuss the summary of 6years of findings, such as the long term impacts of herbicide drift to trees, plants,and ecosystem health in our new report "Hidden in Plain Sight".
KimErndt-Pitcher, director of ecological health, has worked for Prairie RiversNetwork for over 15 years. She leads the organization's biodiversity andpesticide programs. Before coming to PRN she was a crew member andenvironmental educator at Living Lands and Waters based in Moline, Illinois,and a technician with the USGS in Kansas City, Missouri. She has spent most ofher career working to promote and advocate for the protection of biodiversityand the integrity of natural systems. Kim received a M.S. Biology with afocus on Ecotoxicology from the University of Central Missouri, and was aNational Science Foundation IGERT Fellow in Watershed Science andTechnology at Southern Illinois University Carbondale.